The Round Norfolk Relay 2024
14-15th September 2024

RNR Online Timing - information for timekeepers

The online submission of RNR stage times is now organised by Total Race Timing. As well as inputting data online teams are still required to fill in and submit a manual paper Timesheet, although we will no longer be collecting an interim copy of the Timesheet during the race. The paper Timesheet is a two-part set: the top copy (white) is to be handed in to the Chief Timekeeper at the end of the race, and the second copy (yellow) retained by yourself in case of any queries.

Online timing submissions and results during race weekend should be entered here, using the usernames and passwords emailed to team coordinators by Total Race Timing.

To submit your times online, click the blue 'Submit Stage Time' button in the portal located under the stage that you want to submit. The button will not display until the previous stage time has been submitted.

You must enter the accumulated stopwatch time for the end of the stage. The actual stage time will be calculated automatically and displayed. The Wava score (age related) will also be calculated and displayed. If this is either very high or very low a warning message will be displayed. This will not stop you from submitting the time, but simply serves as a reminder to check that your entry is correct.

On race weekend you will be relying on mobile devices to submit your data, and there may be points on the RNR course where there is no signal, or where the signal is poor. Where this is the case, simply wait until you have a good signal and then submit. You should submit your data in stage order and as soon after the end of the stage as is practically possible.

As well as inputting online you must fill in and submit the paper Timesheet. Clearly both the online timings and those manually recorded on the paper copy must agree. There is also a check box on the paper Timesheet for you to keep a record of when you have made your online submission - this is particularly helpful if you are using different timekeepers on different stages of the race. If you are changing over timekeepers, please ensure that you have submitted all your outstanding inputs before handing over to your replacement. Timesheets will be checked in the early stages of the race and at the finish. You should then submit your stage 17 online time as soon as possible after your team finishes.

Teams are provided with 2 copies of the paper Timesheet in case the first is lost, damaged or otherwise spoiled.

If you have any queries please contact