The Round Norfolk Relay 2024
14-15th September 2024

General Rules Governing the Round Norfolk Relay

The Event

1. The Round Norfolk Relay (RNR) will take place annually over the third weekend in September and is staged under the auspices of Athletics Norfolk, with day-to-day management vested in the Round Norfolk Relay Committee. The event will be permitted by and staged under the rules of the Association of Running Clubs (ARC).

2. Starting and finishing at Alive Lynnsport in King's Lynn, the race follows a multi-terrain course of approximately 200 miles, generally along a route adjacent to the Norfolk county boundary. The course, including each of the 17 component stages, will have been measured.

3. It is a club/team responsibility to ensure their runners and supporters have read and understood both the General Rules and Safety Rules.

Team Composition

4. Each team, regardless of class, will consist of 17 runners. Within the race there are 5 team classes: Open, Club, Masters, Ladies, and Mixed. The criteria for each class are as follows:


5. Runners must be a fully paid-up member of the club they are representing. Save for Club class teams it need not be their first claim club.

6. A runner may only run 1 stage and for 1 team.

7. Juniors under the age of 15 (on race day) are not permitted to run in the event. The minimum age for a junior to run an individual stage is given at the top of each of the Stage Details on the RNR website. These age limits must be strictly adhered to.

Entry Procedure

8. The capacity of the race will be determined on the basis of current safety considerations and announced before race entry opens, usually in early April.

9. All entries will be governed by the principle of 'one team, per class, per club'.

10. All clubs entering the race must be affiliated either to England Athletics (EA) or to the Association of Running Clubs (ARC).

11. Clubs based in Norfolk and currently affiliated to Athletics Norfolk (AN) will be entitled to a single entry. Any club providing significant assistance to the staging of the race (e.g. marshalling, race day administration etc) will also be entitled to a single entry. Consequently, a club affiliated to Athletics Norfolk which also provides significant assistance is entitled to 2 entries.

12. The maximum number of entries is limited to 4 teams per club.

13. In the event of the race being oversubscribed each club may enter no more than 3 teams, with applications being allocated in the following order of precedence:

14. An entry will only be deemed to have been received/accepted when full payment of both the entry and membership fees has been made.

15. Withdrawals. If for any reason a club or team decides to withdraw their entry no refund of the entry fee will be given within 3 months of the date of the race (Saturday). Any team or club withdrawing before the 3 month period will be required to forfeit 20% of the entry fee to cover administrative costs.

Declarations and Start Times

16. Teams are required to declare full details of their runners, officials, categories entered and estimated running time prior to the race. This is known as the Initial Declaration.

17. The declaration process is carried out via the Total Race Timing portal ( ) and will commence at least 3 weeks before the event. You MUST include an estimated running time, which will be used to determine your team's start time and for the award of the time estimate prize. This declaration can be amended as often as required up to 30 minutes before your race starting time. However you cannot amend your estimated running time or allocated start time in the week preceding race weekend. The allocated start time may be subsequently adjusted at the discretion of the RNR Committee.

18. Time Estimates: It is the responsibility of each team coordinator to ensure that their team's estimated running time is as accurate as possible. If any team arrives before 7.30am at Stowbridge (16/17 changeover) the RNR reserves the right to hold them at that point.

19. A Final Declaration must be made at least 30 minutes before a team's allocated start time. Previously submitted declaration details may be changed with the exception of the time estimate (see 17). Subject to Rule 23, once the Final Declaration has been made no changes are permitted to any element of the declaration, including those runners named or to the stages they have been nominated to run. Disqualification will result if this rule is infringed.

20. Registration:

21. A team's start time is based on all teams finishing from 09:15 to 10:00 on Sunday morning. The earliest start time is 05:30 on Saturday morning. This means that teams will be expected to complete the course in a maximum running time of 29:00 hours (8mins 40 secs per mile). No estimate of a team's running time in excess of 29:00 hours will be accepted. Prize-giving will be held promptly at 11:00 on Sunday morning. To assist in the timely production of the race results, a copy of the team time sheet may be collected at an interim changeover (location to be notified before the race if required).

Team Defaults

22. A club entering a team class for which they find they are unable to meet the composition criteria (see Rule 4 above) may switch to an alternative class and declare this at the Final Declaration, providing they do not infringe the one team, per class, per club rule (Rule 9) and meet the conditions of this alternative class.

Race Day Substitutions

23. In the event of a team incurring a DNS (start of stage only), teams will be permitted to make a single substitution allowing an undeclared runner to replace the declared runner. This applies to one stage only and there can be no reshuffling of the team. Any such replacement will not be eligible for any individual race awards.

Individual Defaults.

24. See 39.


25. Pacing is not allowed during the race. Cycling alongside or ahead of a runner is deemed to constitute pacing.


26. Runners may not be accompanied by another runner, whether part of their team or not, except during the off-road elements of Stages 1-5 inclusive or with the prior agreement of the Chief Referee in the case of a runner with impaired vision or hearing. This rule does not preclude support elements from passing drinks, food or directions or other necessary items to a runner.

27. Runners must be escorted, while on the highway, by a 'vehicle' that must be contactable via the mobile number provided to the RNR by their team. During the hours of daylight as defined by RNR Safety Rules G2 and G3 the escort 'vehicle' must be a pedal cycle (not a motor vehicle), and outside the hours of daylight by a motor vehicle. All escorts must travel directly behind the runner at all times. Outside daylight hours, in addition to a motor vehicle, a suitably lit pedal cycle may also accompany the runner. Support cyclists must wear a team number which can be viewed from the rear. Motorcycles and electric bikes may not be used as escort vehicles (see Safety Rules).

28. Local by-laws expressly prohibit the use of pedal cycles on most of the North Norfolk Coast Path. Therefore pedal cycles are not permitted to escort runners on the off-road sections of stages 1-5 inclusive.

The Baton

29. A standard adult baton of the type used in track relays, supplied by the RNR, must be carried throughout the race and passed from one runner to another at each changeover point. The baton must be held in the palm of the hand and not attached to the body by any other means.


30. It is a team responsibility to transport runners to, and from, changeover points.

31. Route finding and navigation is a team responsibility. The designated course, as detailed on the RNR website, must be followed at all times. Directional signs and lights will be used to sign the course as required.

32. Should an emergency make it essential to alter the route during the race, the organisers reserve the right to do so without prior warning. Arrangements will be made to inform teams of any such changes by text message.

Noise Nuisance

33. The use of loudspeakers/loudhailers at any time during the race is prohibited. Runners and escorts are politely requested not to create noise nuisance anywhere along the RNR route, in particular outside the hours of daylight while passing through populated areas, including single dwellings. Noise nuisance includes playing loud music and unnecessary shouting or raised voices.


34. Dogs are not permitted to accompany runners during the race.


(See also the section on Timekeeping under Administration above)

35.: Each team must nominate a Principal Timekeeper as part of the Initial Declaration, who shall be responsible for:

36. Timers: Digital timers must be used and all times recorded as hours:minutes:seconds. Seconds are to be rounded up to the next second, and the hundredths missed off.

37. Timesheets: Times must also be recorded on the hardcopy Timesheet, at each changeover, from a timer started at the team's start. Times should not be taken from a runner's watch or from a mobile phone.

38. Recording of times: Times must be recorded as the cumulative time from the team's start, not as a stage time and not as time of day. An example of a completed Timesheet, including defaults, is included within the Timesheet. Each stage time should be recorded immediately at the changeover point on the issued Timesheet and all sheets and timers made available to any race official upon request. In addition timekeepers are required to submit online times at the end of each stage in accordance with instructions issued before the race.

39. Defaults - Did Not Finish (DNF) or Did Not Start (DNS):

40. Not ready to start: Where a runner is not in position for a changeover, any time delay is to be added to the receiving not the incoming runner. The finishing time for the incoming runner ends when he/she is level with the stage sign.

41. Verification: Timers and Timesheets must be shown to a race timekeeper at any changeover when requested.

42. Timesheet copies: The hardcopy Timesheet consists of 2 copies. The top copy should be handed to the official time keeper at the finish. The second copy should be retained by the team timekeeper in case of any queries.

43. Inaccuracies: In the event of inaccurate or illegible recording of stage times so that a time cannot be verified, individual stage times and/or a team's overall time may be declared null and void. It is therefore extremely important that timekeeping is accurate and verifiable.

44. Disputes: In the event of a dispute or disagreement regarding any time, the Chief Timekeeper will decide and report the decision to the Race Director.


45. Where a team or individual is considered to have infringed the General Rules or Safety Rules of the race, a race referee or official may issue an official warning. This will be notified, at the time, to the person or team that has infringed the rule, and subsequently either directly or on the telephone to the team captain. The Chief Referee must also be notified. Where a team receives a total of 3 official warnings in a single race/year, that team will be disqualified from the team competition. A serious single infringement of the rules or safety conditions may also result in immediate disqualification.

46. Times posted by individuals running for a team which is subsequently disqualified will remain eligible for individual stage awards/records completed before the disqualification incident.

Objections, Protests and Appeals

47. Any protest, objection or appeal (hereafter referred to simply as appeals) against qualification to compete, or statements on the entry form of another competitor, team or club, or any penalty and disqualification decisions, or the results of the race, shall be made to the Race Director in the manner described below. Where practical, appeals should be made before the date of the race, on the day of the race or no later than 7 days after the date of the race.

48. All appeals must be made in writing (including email), accompanied by a deposit of 25.00 GBP and forwarded to the Race Director, who will forward it to the Chief Referee. If, after investigation, the appeal appears not to have been made on reasonable grounds, the deposit shall be forfeited to the RNR account. The name of the person/club making an appeal will, on request, be made known to the person/club/team against whom the appeal is directed.

49. The Chief Referee shall rule upon the appeal and their decision shall be final. The Chief Referee will communicate his decision to the Race Director and the party making the appeal. In the event of the appeal having a bearing on a prize/s, they will be withheld until the matter has been resolved.

Medals, Trophies and Awards

50. Participation medals must be collected by a team representative from Race HQ at Lynnsport at registration. It is the responsibility of each team to distribute medals to their runners.

51. The RNR shall use best endeavours to present all other trophies, awards and prizes (both team and individual) on the trackside adjacent to the finish line at Lynnsport on Sunday morning commencing no later than 10.30. Those not collected on the day will be recycled, retained or re-used depending upon the award type (perpetual, individual etc), this in order to reduce wasted costs and materials.

52. All teams are required to have a nominated representative at the trackside presentation e.g. a club official or their Stage 17 runner and/or support crew. The RNR having now adopted a live results system, all trophies, awards and prizes will be presented as soon as is practicable, with priority given to out of area teams if required. Where early collection is requested team captains must liaise direct with the Race Director on the day.

53. Entry to the RNR results HQ to engage direct with members of the race results team is strictly prohibited.

RNR Preferred Charities

54. Where a preferred charity enters an open class team to compete in the RNR as part of a pre-agreed and substantial fundraising effort general rules 5 and 6 may be waived in relation to that team.

General rules last updated: 09/07/2024

Version 2019.1