The Round Norfolk Relay 2024
14-15th September 2024

A full range of facilities are available at Lynnsport adjacent to the start


Kings Lynn (PE30 2NB) to

(PE36 6EL)

Escort mandatory in parts

16.32 miles. Minimum age 18 yrs

Strava + GPX + TCF link: 

Pay and display carpark, toilets and cafe adjacent to the changeover point

1a. From the start (TF 634 211) follow the marked track out of Lynnsport all the way to the T-junction with Edward Benefer Way (TF 633 222) W3W flux.parade.overruns  ⚠ Caution - high risk point. Turn right and cross to the other side of the road when it is safe to do so.
1b. Continue along Edward Benefer Way/Low Road for 0.8 miles to the second traffic lights (TF 645 224), then turn left down Castle Rising Road (signed Castle Rising Castle). Follow the road for 2.2 miles into Castle Rising village.
1c. Bear left at the Black Horse Inn and then turn left by the church by a wooden bench (TF 666 248) W3W effort.angry.stocks (NB: no vehicles)
1d. Follow the road down the hill past a set of wooden gates and onto a metalled cycle track. Follow the cycle track and as the track approaches the main A149 at W3W rainwater.expensive.witless turn left and stay on the cycle track.
1e. When the cycle track crosses the junction of the B1439/A149 road, leave the cycle track and turn left onto the A149 (TF 675 263). ⚠ Be extremely careful when joining the main road.
1f. After 0.8 miles on the road turn left signed Wolferton (TF 673 277) W3W jubilant.editor.stands 
1g. Go straight over at the crossroads and down the hill over the old level crossing at The Royal Station.
1h. After the road bends, turn right opposite Wolferton Social Club at W3W wash.strictly.resurgent and continue down Steer Rd. NB: this is a private road - no vehicles or cyclists allowed).
1i. Follow this road, passing farm buildings on your right after approximately one mile, and after another 200 metres turn left at the T-junction at W3W vowed.zooms.supple 
1j. Fork left after 50 metres going to the left of the telegraph pole (not the direct road to the pumping station). At W3W tomato.spouting.roost turn immediately right onto the track and up onto the bank and pass through the two wooden gates.
1k. Keep to the top of the bank for 200 metres then go straight ahead as the bank turns sharply right (five metres in front of wooden gate). Follow this path with a wire fence on your right.
1l. After 0.5 miles the wire fence bends sharply right, runners go straight ahead to pick up the small concrete path and another wire fence.
1m. From this point and until the access point at Snettisham (TF 647 334) W3W pollution.bikes.most keep the sea in sight on your left as you run on the shingle ridge, with the chalets on your right.
1n. After Snettisham (metal gates) proceed along the bank for about a kilometre and onto the grey concrete sea defence (Heacham Dam). At the end of the concrete (post 3) take the sandy path to the right onto a path and proceed in the same northerly direction between the raised bank and the inland water.
1o. As you approach an area of beach houses (TF 660 362) W3W putter.aunts.encloses pick up the well-defined vehicle track and continue on this through a pedestrian gate and between the houses.
1p. At the major track junction in Heacham W3W faces.bulk.reprints go straight on taking the lower road. Do NOT turn right onto South Beach Road.
1q. At the next major road/track junction signed 'Launch Monitoring Station' (TF 664 375) W3W retail.zebra.headsets turn left up onto the concrete promenade.
1r. Turn right and proceed in a northerly direction towards Hunstanton. Do NOT go straight on through the caravan/hut area. Stay on the concrete promenade until you reach Hunstanton.
1s. Just as a concrete wall starts on your left and you can see a large building overhanging the promenade, go straight on to just before the end of the promenade (TF 672 413).
1t. At the last lamp post on the left at W3W sunk.tutored.towell  take the zig-zag path equipped with a handrail all the way to the top of the cliff.
1u. Turn back to proceed along the path past the Salad Bowl Cafe (0.60 miles to the changeover).
1v. Go on to the grass, and keeping the chain-link fence on your left make your way towards the old lighthouse.
1w. Pass to the left of the lighthouse to the changeover (TF 675 421) W3W officer.eradicate.trousers opposite the Cliff Top Cafe.

The Round Norfolk Relay is grateful to the Royal Sandringham Estate for permission to transit across their land during the early part of this stage.

* Access points for vehicles to monitor runners:
1) From A149 turn down Snettisham Beach Road (TF 647 334)
2) From A149 turn left towards Heacham (TF 662 368)

NB. Runners on this stage MUST be given a copy of this route description.